The purpose of The Board Leadership Society's subsidiary, The Board Leadership Society's Centre for Cyber Competencies, is to implement a comprehensive strengthening of competencies in cyber risks, cyber governance, and cyber resilience for the management of companies - including boards and executive boards. The goal is to increase the understanding, identification, and assessment of cyber risks among top management, thereby making cyber security a competitive advantage for Danish business and society as a whole.
Contact us

Jens Stener
- Phone: +45 23 83 54 38
- Email: js@bestyrelsesforeningen.dk

Kirsten heath
- Phone: +45 61 55 44 29
- Email: khe@bestyrelsesforeningen.dk
- CBS, Howitzvej 60, 2000 Frederiksberg

Fund support
The Board Leadership Society's Centre for Cyber Competence has been established with support from the Danish Industry Foundation. The Danish Industry Foundation is a private foundation that works to promote the competitiveness of Danish industry. The foundation has assets of almost DKK 5 billion and distributes around DKK 250 million every year to various projects, activities, and initiatives.
There are more than 150 active projects in the Industriens Fonds project portfolio. They deal with management, digitalisation, innovation, education and internationalisation, among other topics